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Writer's pictureSeventh + Lane

A Target run saved my life!

Updated: Jan 16, 2019

Earlier this summer I strolled in Targét for a FEW things...yea right, It's Target, I came home with more than a few. As per my usual while I was there I swung by the book section. I wasn't planning on purchasing anything but just wanted to see what was out. I picked up a few books, and was on my way to the register when a small book caught my eye for two reasons, the jacket design and the sale sticker, lol. Who doesn't love a mark down?

This particular book was titled 100 Days to Brave by Annie F. Downs. I'd been "getting my life together" for about 2 years and figured this might help. I didn't start reading the book until a few weeks later. I had no idea that it's pages would contain simple yet powerful truths and calls to action. I was forced to confront things I had to successfully in the past tried to avoid. Ya'll this thing was all up in my business. Page after pager it challenged me and held me accountable, reminding me of the promises I 'd made both to myself and to God.

Rebranding my business was one of those things I had to really grapple with, because I've always known I was good, kinda. And that was the problem, I didn't even have enough hype to believe in but I new my business needed a change. I needed to show up for myself and put myself out there more. (Being transparent is much easier said than done) In a market saturated with other great designers and coaches of all kinds I felt like a tiny speck, and fear knew me by name. But little did I know, a simple trip to Target helped me tell fear goodbye. I can stand confident in who I am and what I can do for others because I stood in the same unsure places they have. Bravery has such a new meaning now.

It took a lot from me to get through those 100 days. I did afraid, but I did it. Many of you may be in the same place, I encourage you to start today, start somewhere. Today is my day 100, but it can be your day 1.

Get a copy and see for yourself! Let me know when you start so I can cheer you on!

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